[*** Moderator's Note: The following is an excerpt from the TAD
Consortium Newsletter, Sept 2001 issue, edited for brevity. ***]

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Neil Butcher


Taken from Balancing Act's NEWS UPDATE 74

Two countries - Brazil and India - are racing to complete low-cost
computer projects that may lower the "entry-cost" for users sufficiently
to enlarge developing country computer markets. But will they have the
manufacturing and marketing skills to make it work? Rachel Anderson of
the Benton Foundation describes the two projects.

The Brazilian government recently announced a project that will make
stripped-down desktop computers, known as "Popular PCs," available for
about $300. Developers were able to save on licensing fees by using
free, open-source Linux as the operating system instead of Microsoft
Corp.'s Windows. Also using Linux, but moving away from the desktop
computer model, engineers in India have designed a hand-held computer
that will enable rural populations to benefit from information
technology -- even if they don't have the ability to read. Both of these
initiatives illustrate the increasingly innovative approaches employed
by developing countries to bring their citizens into the digital age.

Ivan Moura Campos, chairman of the Internet Steering Committee of Brazil
and the mastermind behind Brazil's Popular PC project, explained in a
recent interview in Wired News that countries like Brazil will never
bridge the digital divide if they depend solely on technologies imported
from wealthier nations. "We realized this was not a First World
problem," he explained. "We were not going to find a Swedish or a Swiss
company to solve this for us. We would have to do it ourselves."

Brazil is unquestionably Latin America's Internet access leader. A
recent study by eMarketer (http://www.emarketer.com/welcome.html) found
that the nation is home to 40% of South America's Internet users --
despite the fact that only 5% of Brazilians actually have Internet
access. Late last year, as part of broader efforts to increase access to
information technology, the Brazilian government commissioned university
researchers to design the cheapest possible machine for accessing the

In response, researchers from Brazil's Federal University of Minas
Gerais have created a prototype of what's being called the Popular PC,
or Computador Popular in Portuguese. The Internet appliance, which lacks
a floppy drive or a hard disk drive, features many of the attributes one
would expect in a moderately-priced PC: a 500 MHz-equivalent processor,
64MB of RAM, an Ethernet card, a 56K modem, 14-inch monitor, sound and
video cards, serial and USB ports, a mouse and a keyboard. Consumers
will also have the option of buying inexpensive hard disks and other
peripherals for their computers.

The first shipment of Popular PCs will go to equip schools, libraries
and health centers to access to the Internet. The state-run bank, Caixa
Econômica Federal, has agreed to provide loans to low-income households
to purchase the computers, which will be made available to them for
about $15 a month over the course of 24 months.

While some critics have argued that Brazil has more pressing social
needs than providing computers for the masses, the government has made
it a priority to help low-income Brazilians reap the social and economic
rewards of the Internet. It has announced that it will invest $400
million this year alone to expand Internet use in Brazil. Through its
Universal Access Plan, the government is seeking to subsidize the
deployment of telecommunications infrastructure to impoverished and
geographically-isolated areas. Additionally, Brazil's postal service has
launched a program call Porta Aberta, or Open Door, that provides the
public free access to Internet kiosks in post offices throughout the
country's largest cities.

In a country like India, where nearly 50% of the population is unable to
read or write, simply providing access to computers and the Internet
just isn't enough. That's what motivated a team of Indian scientists and
engineers to create a way for people with limited literacy and computer
skills to take advantage of the wealth of information on the Net. The
team has developed a small, powerful computing device called the
"Simputer" -- short for "simple inexpensive mobile computer" -- that
reads out the text found on Web pages in a number of India's many native

Field test with the first working prototypes of the Simputer, which will
cost around $200, have just begun this month. Slightly larger than the
popular Palm handheld computers, the Simputer has a built-in browser,
email software, a text-to-speech program for several Indian languages
and an MP3 player. The machine, which should be available for sale by
March 2002, runs on widely-available AAA batteries.

A group of socially-committed academics and technologists from India's
computing industry came together to form the non-profit Simputer Trust,
which is offering both the software and the hardware for the appliance
as open-source technology. Their vision is to create not only a
computer, but also an "evolving platform for social change" throughout
the world that will help bridge the digital divide.

They are particularly excited by the possibilities of exposing India's
vast rural population to Simputer technology. Indian farmers, for
example, could use the devices to check local weather forecasts or the
latest market price for various produce. Simputer's creators also point
to its potential as a tool for accessing online governmental and
health-care services.

For the 99% of Indians that do not currently have access to the
Internet, one of the most useful features is the Simputer's "smart card"
port. The computer's low price still exceeds what most Indians can
afford, so its creators devised a way to let many individuals share a
single machine by each using their smart cards to activate their
personal accounts. Simputers might even appear in country's ubiquitous
public telephone kiosks, where an entire village could take advantage of
Internet access.

Info sources:

Brazilian Committee for Internet Administration


Indian Institute of Science (IISc)

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South Africa
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