Dear GKD Members,

With or without Simputer the main question remains the same: How to
integrate people for changing the manner in which they work actually?

Simputer is a good idea and maybe others will come. Other electronic
devices, before Internet, during the early '80's appeared and they were
extremely used by people. One example is the French Minitel, just a
terminal. 7 million of these devices are installed and most households
and companies got one. And this device was very useful for doing
elementary things that are not done by Internet. How was this device
adopted by French people at a mass level? The main reason was a
volunteer policy of France Telecom to offer without cost to anyone
wanting to replace a paper directory by an electronic one. Then many
suppliers appeared and a first by telematic market began.

I do not think it is the same for India and any country adopting the
Simputer. But the main question remains: search the ways to integrate
people. Do not forget this elementary law of new dimension (I call it
Five Dimension as you know): we must integrate two networks, one of
computers and one of people. And the most important in every situation
is this last.

Dr. Victor Sandoval

***GKD is an initiative of the Global Knowledge Partnership***
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