GOALOG: Computers are getting set for distribution in Goa....

Green Hill, despite its name, is a dusty hillock between Porvorim and
Sangolda. It's just one of the many new urban centres coming up to cope
with the regionally-imbalanced pattern that Goa has been seeing. At one
corner, in the midst of an obviously low-income colony, sit some 360
computers that were sent in under the Goa Schools Computers Project.

On Thursday evening, eight-to-ten kids crowded around one computer, near
the entrance to the godown where these were temporarily housed. "He's
not giving us a turn," complained the smaller ones of one elder boy who
seemed to be hogging the keyboard.

They all came from the nearby poor homes, and this was their chance to
play around with a real toy -- a computer. One girl, the only one
visible nearby, hung around at a respectful distance, near the entrance

To one's surprise, at least the elder ones among them seemed confident
with the Red Hat 7.2 (a distribution of the Free Software/Open Source
Linux operating system) that was installed on it.

One of the eldest later informed he was in the seventh standard (this
would put him at around 12 years of age, assuming he joined school on
schedule and wasn't detained at any point). He could be seen logging in
as a 'student'. Sometimes he typed in 'Student' instead of 'student'.
And in Linux, like in any other case-sensitive Unix flavour, that makes
a big difference.

Tom Fernandes, half-German and half-Goan, a Linux enthusiast who's also
working on the Goa Schools Computers Project, tried to explain the
difference. But do concepts matter, as long as things get going?

"What's going to happen to these computers?" the gang of boys wanted to
know. On being told that they would be distributed to schools, they
seemed a trifle disappointed. Which kid likes to lose a new-found toy?

"Okay," someone continued, "which schools are they going to?"

Someone wanted to know if Janta High School in nearby Mapusa town would
get any. Another asked if Holy Family in Porvorim was on the list. A
chirpy young lad said he learnt that government schools would be getting
priority. And yes, he himself studies at the Guirim government school.

In the background -- that's not what it was intended to be though -- a
shirtless Ashley Delaney struggled at setting up Linux on about
half-a-dozen PCs at the same time. To make his tall task somewhat easier
Arvind Yadav and Animesh Nerulkar have worked on a stick-the-CD-in
solution that does a standard-instal easily on the type of PI donated
earlier-generation systems that have been shipped in from New York.

Daryl Martyris was away in Panjim. He had phoned me earlier in the
evening, sparking off guilt for not being anywhere around the project
after getting my 'stories' on the same. In the state-capital of Goa, his
mission was trying to get fixed the ten computers that reached Goa in a
non-working condition. (Once he's done with the distribution of the PCs
in schools, he's dreaming of a project to take relevant info to the
commonman through an ICT-based initiative.)

Cut to the youngsters fooling around with the Linux-loaded PC. They're a
more interesting story than the 'real thing'....

A tenth standard student from the nearby Vidya Prabodhini looked around
tentatively. "What actually comes on a floppy-disk," he wanted to know.
Try explaining the concept that a floppy could contain text, photos or
software... to a young man in a province which has long been dreaming of
building itself up as a IT paradise.

His eyes lit up, as the inadequately-explained concept seemed to make
some sense. "Uncle, could you give me a floppy?" he asked speaking in
the local Konkani language, "maybe I could ask the teacher to try it

Others fighting for the computer keyboard were focussing on launching
some Linux-based games. Just the introduction to the section of
'graphics' programs egged on some to experiment. But journos are not the
best of teachers; we didn't have any photo-on-a-CD just then to demo
what we meant either.

While driving home on a two-wheeler, my daughter Riza (3) was grappling
with the idea of what so many computers were doing, all packed tightly
into one small godown. One tried to explain that these were to be
distributed to schools, for free. "Even to Lourdes Convent?" she wanted
to know. That's the village school where she's just got admission to the
pre-primary.... It was the struggle to get computers for this not so
down-and-out school five years ago that might have sparked off the
feeling that citizens need to make efforts to help Goa's schools get
access to computers faster.

Before leaving, we clicked a few photos. Not because, as many believe,
donor-driven projects need photographic 'evidence' to justify their
operations. But because it underlines the point that the computer is a
tool for virtually anyone. If only they got a chance....

There has been debate over whether sending in once-used computer
hardware to the Third World is the best way of doing the job. One could
have mixed feelings about this. But, in the bargain, it seems to have
planted a crucial idea: that the computer can, and is, well within
reach. Not just for those who have the money for it. 
Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa * India 832.409490 / 409783
BYTESFORALL www.bytesforall.org  * GNU-LINUX http://linuxinindia.pitas.com
India Writing with a difference... on what makes *the* difference

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