By itself, not much, lately.  However, before you judge let me tell you
of the mitoses (plural) that Quipunet started:

E-Connexions.LLC .- Started by some of the original founders of
Quipunet. It was created to learn e-commerce and to help small
businesses in Peru. It has been helping Tortas Peru and Inka Country.
As a business it has not been successful, if you measure success by the
amount earned. But thanks to their service, Tortas Peru has been
earning extra income and has been an example of e-business to many women
in Peru.

Tortas Peru.- an innovative business created by one of our most
enthusiastic volunteer; Edwin San Roman and his wife, Maria del Carmen.
They acknowledge that their idea would not had taken flight without the
trust and good will of the Quipunet list.

ECIE.- (Electronic Commerce and Information Exchange).- Same founders of
E-Connexions, founded ECIE. Because our heart and way of working is
more atuned to non-profit work.

For the past two years, and using the knowledge and experience acquired
during our work with Quipunet, we have been working for ITC
(International Trade Center), an arm of UNCTAD and WTO. The electronic
forums have been low-tech, low-cost with high results. Most of the
forums have been on e-commerce, aimed at import-export SMEs. One of the
last forums had more than 600 'attendees" from 82 countries, 80% of them
were developing countries.

The last forum (first of the year) has been an outstanding success. Only
in Spanish and Portugues, presented by CCI (Centro de Comercio
Internacional), it was designed as one of 5 activities planned by CCI.
The other activities: 2) Trade Show in San Salvador, 3) Conferences, 4)
Workshops, 5) Forums scheduled for April 10-12, 2002 in El Salvador.


EDUZYME.- The newest organization formed in Peru by a group of
professors of the Pharmacy Department of La Universidad Mayor de San
Marcos. They were the ones that collaborated with ECIE and CCI on the
presentation of LatinPharma. More collaborative activities are being
planned by all three. (If you know of any Pharmaceutical firm that
might want to sponsor these future events, please give them my e-mail:

What else are we doing?

Quipunet and ECIE.- Communicating with the Departamento de Educacion de
Lima (DEL) on how we could cooperate.

ECIE.- Introducing our brand of ICT to the Latino communities of Puget

Creating a data base of Peruvians. Great ideas for this!

And dreaming, dreaming of being instrumental for a better future!

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, an NGO that is a GKP member***
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