Dear Colleagues,

The posting by Alan Levy regarding small towns building their own high
speed internet system is also the justification for the rural strategy
being implemented by ATCnet in Africa. The technology is powerful
enough and low cost enough for service to be universal and sustainable
.... but not at the high cost of capital and high cost of fees and
taxation that are recommended by many international development
advisors and institutions.

T. Peter Burgess
VP and CFO ATCnet
New York USA
Tel 212 772 6918 Fax 707 371 7805
ATCnet Project for Universal Accountability
ATCnet Community Cyber EduCenter Networks
ATCnet Database on African Development and Enterprise
ATCnet Database on the African Health and HIV-AIDS Crisis
ATCnet Trade Networks
ATCnet Consultancy and Management Services 

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, an NGO that is a GKP member***
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