My friends have fat pipes to the Internet. They have offered to download
useful distributions / collections of Free Software. My own plan is to
encourage the building up of 'CD Repositories' in Indian cities and
towns, that can then help to efficiently share such CDs among those who
don't have speedy connections to the Internet.

What I badly need from you is: a set of URLs from where my friends could
download the distributions / software collections. Do send in a brief,
one-paragraph description of what the site contains, why it is a good
distribution, etc.

We are also looking out specifically for educational software, Free
Software for kids, tools for professionals (e.g. doctors, scientists),
Free Software for the Windows platform (to convince those more reluctant
to shift over), and also user-friendly distributions.

Thank you very much in advance. Let's make Free Software into what it
really should be -- an effective mechanism for the transfer of knowledge
to the Third World! Your help is needed... FN

Frederick Noronha    : : When we speak of free
Freelance Journalist : Goa India 403511           : software we refer to
Ph 0091.832.409490   : Cell 0 9822 122436         : freedom, not price.

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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