Dear friends:

The Indian government is opening up campus radio (which it calls
'community radio' though it's not quite the same thing).

The crying need at the moment is for greater awareness to be built up
about how to go about setting up micro-powered radio stations. It
appears that most people simply don't have the know-how -- and
naturally, how would they? Radio has been such a closed medium all these

There are legitimate questions about costs, technology and techniques.

Organisations like Arun Mehta and Vickram Crishna's <>
have the technology. There surely must be others too. But this probably
won't reach the people who need it unless there is some mechanism to
deliver it.

Do you know of any international organisations -- UNDP, Unesco or other
suitable supporters -- who could help build structures that would make
the dissemination of training possible?

Let's not give the government a chance to say that they offered but very
few came forward.

PS: In Goa itself, some educational institutions I broached the issue
with are eager to go in for this. But getting started in a situation
where so little information/training is available is a tough task
indeed. Maybe even a training session could be thought off for a start,
open to all interested in applying for an educational broadcast license.

Frederick Noronha    : : When we speak of free
Freelance Journalist : Goa India 403511           : software we refer to
Ph 0091.832.409490   : Cell 0 9822 122436         : freedom, not price.

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