Dear GKD Members,

We invite you to have a look at our new graph at the homepage
<> on our latest
graph: The Intercontinental Detours of Internal African Phone Calls

Do you know? African telephone companies annually pay USD400 million to
European and North American providers for internal African connections.
We examine a phone call from Benin (Porto Novo) to Nigeria (Lagos) and
compare it to an international phone call of similar distance from
Switzerland (Geneva) to France (Lyon). Our graph is a contribution in
view of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Geneva,
December 10 - 12, 2003, and in Tunis in 2005. The graph can be
downloaded in English and German.

Kind regards,

Richard Gerster
Gerster Consulting
Goldistrasse 1, CH-8805 Richterswil
Phone +41 (0)1 784 83 08
Fax   +41 (0)1 784 83 17

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