An online resource on e-government success/failure in
developing/transitional countries has been created at:

The resource contains:
  - results on the extent and impact of project success and failure
  - thirty new case examples of e-gov success and failure
  - models explaining e-gov success and failure
  - practical techniques for evaluation and analysis of success 
and failure
  - practical techniques for risk assessment and mitigation on 
current e-gov projects
  - a complete guide to running training workshops on e-gov 
success and failure

Richard Heeks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Moderator, egov4dev

The "eGovernment for Development Information Exchange" project is
coordinated by the University of Manchester's Institute for Development
Policy and Management.  The project is funded and managed by the
Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation as part of the UK
Department for International Development's "Building Digital
Opportunities" programme.

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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