URL:  http://gscp.org/components/survey3.htm

Results of survey conducted at Vasant Vidyalaya HS

Respondents Profile 30 students 9 males, 21 females from grade 9

9 were 16-18 year range, 21 were 13-15 years range

Background - Vasant Vidyalaya is a secondary school with a total
enrollment of about 200 students from middle and lower class located in
Siolim, a town of about 10,000 people. The school has a computer lab of
7 PCs, 2 (Windows) provided by Government and 4 (Linux) provided by GSCP
in 2002, and 1 PC (Windows) additionally provided by the government in
2003. In the last semester of 2002-2003 academic year, 2 subject
teachers were trained, and the social sciences teacher taught 3
Geography lesson in the computer lab using prepared lesson plans. In the
same semester, children were permitted to use the computer lab after
school hours on payment of a Rs. 10 per month fee. Internet use was
demonstrated but not permitted on a regular basis because of phone cost

Results -

Respondents indicated that

* English is their favorite subject (50%), followed by Art, Math and
Science (30% each)

(100% of students responded to this question)

* They had been using PCs for less than a year (7%), 1-2 years (63%),
2-4 years (30%). This is consistent with Vasant Vidyalaya aquiring PCs 2
years ago

Students who have used PCs for more than 2 years mostly have one at home
or at a relative/friends home

(100% of students responded)

* Only 16% of students claim to have taught themselves to use computers,
the rest said that their computer Teacher taught them

(100% of students responded)

* Software used by students at school other than spreadsheets,
word-processor and paint tool

Games (60%) and educational software (only 50%)

(85% of students responded)

* Favorite activity

By far, Games (70%) and Paint (90%) were students favorite activites

(85% of students responded)

* Major challenges

Using keyboard and mouse

Technical problems

Too many students, not enough time

(74 % of students responded)

* Accessibility of computers after school hours

30% of students said the computers were always accessible, 10% said they
were sometimes accessible, 55% said they were never accessible

43% said they use computers after school hours

(97% responded)

This implies that the benefits of After hours school access were not
reaching all students (did this mean the Rs. 10 per student was too

* Students opinion on the importance of computers

Computers very Important for

Learning computer skills

For Job in future

To learn new things

Help with schoolwork

Computers somewhat important for

To  find or access information

To communicate with others

(97% responded)

This indicates that students are aware of the relationship between
computer skills and future employment. The lower perceived importance
for accessing information and communication reflects the fact that
internet is not used appreciably yet.

* How useful are the following to help you learn

Teachers 70%

Textbooks 40%

Your parents 60%

Your friends 60%

Computers 73%

CD-Rom 30%

(100% responded)

This would seem to suggest that teachers and computers are the most
helpful for students learning experience. However, given that only 30%
thought educational CD-ROMs were useful, the concept of learning
experience was probably not clear enough.

The interpretation of the following section on student opinions should
be treated with care as students had difficulty understanding the
question format. Neutral implies that the student did not have an

* 12% think that do not like school (20% neutral)

(83% of students responded)

* 50% think that computers have made them like school more (33% neutral)

(80% of students responded)

* 33% think that they know more about computers than my teachers

(70% of students responded)

* 71% think that computers have made them better students (14% neutral)

(70% of students responded)

* 42% think that most teachers seem afraid to use computers in the
classroom (33% neutral)

(70% of students responded)

* 57% say that  their parents have never used computers

(63% of students responded)

* 57% think that their parents are very interested in their use of

(63% of students responded)

* 52 % would prefer to use computers alone when using computers in
school (11% neutral)

(60% of students responded)

* Based on their experience with computers so far      50% want to use
computers in your future profession (% neutral)

(66 % of students responded)

What did we learn from this survey

* Identifying students least favorite subject opens the possibility of
targeting the  use of computer assisted teaching to make that subject
more interesting

* Students indicating that Paint and Games as favorite activities
combined with the fact that they do not have frequent access to
educational software raises the possibility that computers are becoming
purely an entertainment tool

* Identifying the major challenges faced by students using computers
tells us that at grade 8 students still have a problem using keyboard
and mouse (learning computers starts in grade 7 or earlier). Technical
difficulties (hardware and software problems) are also mentioned, which
raises the issue of timely maintenance and repair of equipment by school

* That a large minority of students are not overly impressed by their
teachers computer knowledge or teaching ability. This suggests
opportunities to improve teacher training.

* That apparently the after hours access served only half the students.
The reason for this need to be investigated.

* The fact that most students do not indicate need to use computer
alone, yet indicate that lack of computer time is a problem, means that
the issue is not necessarily one of needing one computer per student,
but of better utilization.

* Response to the importance of computers and whether students will seek
a career in IT suggests a way to bridge the gap between learning
computer skills and applying them, is needed such as an internship

Note The survey was a pilot survey designed by the Information
Technology Group (ITG) at Harvard University and conducted by Daryl
Martyris for GSCP.

On the cards Surveys for the remaining GSCP supported schools, surveys
with a control group to study differences of perceptions between kids
with and without access to PCs (perhaps the same class before it had
access to PCs), and a tracer study to see the career path the these 2
groups follow.

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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