Dear all,

I would like to attribute another role to the Intermediaries which we
have used a lot in both Community Telecenters and School-based
Telecenters in Uganda. Here we talk of Info-brokers.

These are normally influential people of the community by:- their
knowledge, traditional mentoring roles or special role in the community
as say agricultural extensionist, educationist etc. The important role
the group plays in the mediation between technology and the
people/potential users in a manner easily understood by the user

For instance in the case of agricultural information, its the
info-broker (extension officer) who is trained first to access, use and
filter agricultural related information say on the Internet or CD ROMs
(like the FAO agric bank). She is expected then to help the rest on the
farming community in understanding how this info relates to the
community's activities - the chain spans of from the community when the
use of such info is demonstrated by the extensionist. The emergence of
the Community Multimedia Centers (CMCs) supported by UNESCO is a unique
opportunity to expand the benefits of this strategy as the CMCs have
both Internet, access to digital info and radio that bridges the
distances and language very effectively for the case of Africa.

We are also implementing a project in Uganda with support of the World
Bank Institute (WBI) to strengthen efforts towards achieving the MDGs of
Education for All (EFA) using ICTs, using primary school teachers as an
entry point. They are positioned as info-brokers/intermediaries in this

This strategy is built along the understanding that the majority of our
people in Africa will take a while before they could gain the optimum
efficiency in information searching and utilisation when information is
still largely in English. However through intermediaries, they can reap
the benefits of such information as alternative programs are being
developed to increase local content on the Internet and other digital


Meddie Mayanja 
ICT Community Development Specialist 
ICT for Education Program 
World Bank Institute 
Tel: 256 77 502 288 

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