LL2B.COM (Life Line to Business) is an ICT organization from Chennai,
Tamil Nadu, India. It has developed "e-Administration", a web enabled,
platform independent, paperless office solution developed using open
source and implemented with great success in Electronics Corporation of
Tamilnadu (ELCOT), a Govt. of Tamil Nadu Undertaking in Chennai, the
capital of one of the most developed States of India.

The tool has helped to transform the organization from a traditional
paper-file based organization to a paperless electronic organization.

Now everything moves silently through the LAN within the office and
through the web from/to for outside communication.

The tool has simplified the office work, making it more a pleasure than
a pain. There is active employee involvement and ownership of their
duties and responsibilities. There is total transparency and
accountability from top to bottom. Everyone has been empowered equally
to discharge their work. It has brought about a level playing field.

Now no longer, any employee / customer / citizen has to wait for days or
weeks, for meeting the superior to get a file cleared. Ther are
instances, when a file is cleared instantly without any movement of men
and files, whereas it used to take an avaerage of 10 to 20 paper / file
movements for a single cycle of approval.

The budget for paper and stationary consumption can be brought down to
50% level. This can help to conserve nature and create a greener and
better pollution free environment.

Says V D G Krishnan, an ICT Specialist, who designed and developed this
tool, based on his 25 years experience working for the Government Sector
in India and a leading MNC in North America, "e-Administration" is the
ultimate tool for any organization to transform the entire society. It
has universal applicability in Governments, Corporates and Service
organizations for ultimate internal and external customer satisfaction."

Says Mr. Sudeep Jain, I.A.S., Managing Director of ELCOT, who received
an award from The Deputy Prime Minister of India for implementing
"e-Administration - a paperless office" and  the key person instrumental
in bagging the Certificate of The Guiness Book of Records for The world
record for the most trees planted in 24 hours by a team of 300 people by
the citizens of Nagapattinam District in Tamil Nadu, when he was the
District Collector in 2002:

"e-Administration has helped us to convert our office, from a
traditional file based office, to a truly modern electronic office, by
digitising all current files. It has also helped us to cut short the
delays, in manual file generation and movement, for obtaining sanctions
and bring in transparency and accountability in the working. Any officer
can keep track of all pending files of self and subordinates and get
them cleared quickly, even while travelling."

Based on the success of implementation of "e-Administration" in Tamil
Nadu, LL2B.COM and ELCOT jointly bagged an order for implementing a
customized, integrated, e-Platform for the Industrial Guidance Bureau of
Government of Pondicherry, in South India, linking 18 Departments
including local governments, for granting time-bound single window
clearance for setting-up of industries in the Union Territory of

ELCOT has signed a marketing agreement with LL2B.COM to market
"e-Administration" to various Government Departments and Undertakings,
to spread the message of e-Governance.

A number of leading Indian newspapers have carried extensive articles on
the extent of implementation of e-Administration by the Government of
Tamil Nadu.

The tool can be used by service organizations to monitor the progress of
various projects at the filed level and regional level and also help in
knowledge management by supporting the under performing with the
techniques followed by the better performing.

Kris Dev (Krishnan)
ICT Specialist




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