Dear GKD Members,

I come to you by way of an unusual coincidence and for that I am very

My name is Ken DiPietro and I am located in northern Vermont (US) right
on the Canadian border. I started in the Personal Computer field in late
1981 and by 1987 I decided to start my own computer retailing and
service business. In 1999 my wife and I decided to bring high speed
Internet connectivity to our area of Vermont as it was unlikely that the
bigger players would ever do so.

After nearly a year of research, we launched our company,,
delivering high-speed Internet connectivity to businesses in our area
using Fixed Wireless and SDSL technology.

I am thrilled to be a part of this discussion and I have nothing but the
deepest respect for people, like you, that are working to make this
world a better place. It is my heartfelt intention to become a valuable
resource to this group by providing technical expertise and the "hands
on" experience necessary to help transfer both technology and the means
to deploy it inexpensively where it needs to be implemented.

So as you can all better understand my background, we built our company
by a method known as "bootstrapping" - meaning that we had no outside
investors and no real availability of working capital. In other words,
we had nothing. This is something that I believe you all are very
familiar with. However, with desire, ingenuity and innovation it is
amazing what can be done with very little.

Over the years we have developed a network of suppliers that can provide
wireless equipment very inexpensively. I can reliably say that we can
light up a town in our area for well under $3,000 all-inclusive. Since
we are looking at using current technology in our installations in many
cases the technology that we are using would be overkill and by
implementing "outdated" technology we can provide suitable connectivity
to a town for very little money relatively speaking.

To give you a specific example, not including the upstream connection to
the net, we can provide everything necessary to connect and distribute
access to 10 points in a town (with specific RF requirements taken into
account) for well under $1,000 total. While doing so, we are also
creating a small business that would act as equipment manufacturer and
installation service provider, for maintenance and as an ISP. While this
sounds complicated I can assure you it is not and the entire process can
be taught pretty quickly.

I would welcome any requests for assistance either on-list or off-list
and I will try to answer anyone's message in a timely fashion as
completely as necessary.

Thank you for allowing me access to such a wonderful group. I hope I can
become a welcomed and valuable asset to you all.


Ken DiPietro

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