
Congratulations on the progress of your project. I am glad to see that
ICT is really hitting home. Citywide ERP Solution? Wow! When I hear
about corruption in Africa and other developing countries, I usually
wonder how a country like the United States or UK would have been in the
absences of the checks and balances from technology/electronic systems,
yet dealing with the current 21st Century (SMART and sophisticated)
human beings within the society. With that in mind, I'm really curious
as to what the reaction of some of the politicians and local government
leaders (including local elders) would be. Do they feel violated,
disarmed or even colonized by these electronic systems?

Mymoena, is it possible to share some of the real time social and
political related implementation issues that you are encountering in
this project. (I mean, let's assume that we are holding the
technical/infrastructural issues constant for a moment, because there
are myriads of them.)


Molly Egondu Uzoh
Learning Right Technologies
P. O. Box 51616
San Jose, CA 95151
Phone: (408) 531-1967
At we respect your right2learn the right thing,
the right way; and at the right place, the right time and the right

On Friday, May 27, 2005, Mymoena Ismail wrote:

> Not all local authorities work on a cash basis. In South African
> legislation (i.e., the Municipal Financial Management Act) requires
> local authorities to account for every cent spent and income received.
> The City of Cape Town recently implemented a SAP ERP solution to better
> manage its finances but also to ensure that there exists one back-end
> system to support all related e-governance projects.

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