DOT-COMments eNewsletter - July 2005 (Issue 12): 
                 The DOT-COM Alliance in Macedonia

The DOT-COMments eNewsletter brings you news from projects implemented
under the umbrella of the USAID-funded DOT-COM Alliance and its three
cooperative agreements - dot-GOV, dot-EDU and dot-ORG.

Whenever possible, dot-EDU, dot-GOV and dot-ORG have worked together
within a country at the request of a USAID Mission to ensure that
individual dot activities complemented each other in support of the
Mission's objectives.

This issue of the DOT-COMments newsletter presents four facets of the
DOT- COM Alliance's work in Macedonia, covering connectivity, small
business, government and education sectors. Macedonia is a country where
the USAID Mission has engaged all three dot mechanisms to support its
objectives. In doing so, the USAID Mission has tried to leverage the
potential of ICT across its program portfolio in the country.

Newsletter index page:

The four articles listed below focus on projects in Macedonia

1. Economic Growth & Employment - e-BIZ Project - dot-ORG

The e-BIZ project (formerly referred to as I-LEAD Project) helps
Macedonia address high unemployment by building the capacity of small
and medium enterprises (SMEs) to use information and communications
technologies (ICT) in local and international markets.

Read the full article at

2. Education - Project - dot-EDU

This project prepares Macedonian youth for employment through
ICT-informed education programs and improves the quality and relevance
of instruction at the primary and secondary school levels.

Read the full article at

3. Connectivity - Macedonia Connects - dot-ORG

The main objective of this project is to provide low-cost and
sustainable broadband access to 460 Secondary and Elementary schools
dispersed throughout the country. Secondary objective is to spread
broadband internet access to rural populations with emphasis on small
business enterprises, local governments and consumer market with an eye
towards increasing Internet use beyond existing low levels.

Read the full article at

4. ICT and Government - IMPACT Macedonia- dot-GOV

The IMPACT Macedonia Project is aimed at improving productivity and
accountability in the public sector leading to a smaller, more
efficient, and less corrupt public sector. The environment for
investment will be improved as the investment community gains confidence
in a country where the public sector's financial operations are
increasingly open and transparent.

Read the full article at

This issue also includes the following short articles:

5. Last Mile Initiative Team Assesses Central Asian Republics & Starts
eCenters Project

6. Knowledge Product Highlights: The Energy Solutions Toolkit for ICT

7. Exploring the DOT-COM Alliance Digital Library

Best regards,

Barbara Fillip, Ph.D.
Information Dissemination Coordinator
DOT-COM Alliance 
(202) 884-8003

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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