Ah ha! I think I figured it out, the upload seems to be moving along again, 
thanks for the prod to take another look at it Jesse. I found I'd missed some 
errant "&"'s in my "URL for media upload" links :( Fingers crossed that was it. 

-----Original Message-----

   1. Re: Batch Upload of 100 .ogg's error or just in long      queue?
      (McGregor, Nora)
   2. Re: Batch Upload of 100 .ogg's error or just in long      queue?
      (Jesse de Vos)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2015 09:12:15 +0000
From: "McGregor, Nora" <nora.mcgre...@bl.uk>
To: "glamtools@lists.wikimedia.org" <glamtools@lists.wikimedia.org>
Subject: Re: [Glamtools] Batch Upload of 100 .ogg's error or just in
        long    queue?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Yesterday afternoon we batch uploaded 100 wildlife sound files 
 ahead of an edit-a-thon with Europeana happening next week (November 7th): 

I don't see any errors in the Special:Log with it but only 12 have loaded so 
far in the last 24 hours, is this typical of sound files? If it is I'll just 
leave it and not worry about it but just want to make sure that they will work 
their way through the system in time for the event. Is there any other way for 
me to confirm/check on the status of them waiting in the queue?

Thanks so much for all your help!


Nora McGregor
British Library

Message: 2
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2015 10:30:27 +0100
From: Jesse de Vos <jd...@beeldengeluid.nl>
To: Conversations revolving around the development of GLAM Digital
        Tools <glamtools@lists.wikimedia.org>
Subject: Re: [Glamtools] Batch Upload of 100 .ogg's error or just in
        long    queue?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Hi Nora,

Definitely not typical. Seeing the filesize it should go much faster.
It looks as if your upload stalled after record 11 
Some people on this list can probably look to see whether the rest is still 
pending. But if I were you I would simply use the same xml (if there are no 
issues with record 12 and onward) and retry the upload once more. The toolset 
wil skip the files that are already uploaded, and hopefully continue, it has 
happened to me before :-).

Something I noticed: only 6 of the files appear in the category you mentioned. 
Did you add this category as a 'global category' in the toolset?

But there might be other people on the list that can help you better.



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