Alex Ferguson writes:
 > I hope either of these mysterious incantations help; I presume from
 > the above I didn't hit the problem as I'm a tcsh (ab)user.  (So I
 > haven't tried either, and don't blame me if they don't work.)  ;-)

Well, it bit me too and I am also a tcsh user (Solaris 2.5.1)
The error however, is setup dependent:
>From the man page:

     exec() will fail and return to the calling process if one or
     more of the following are true:
     E2BIG               The number of bytes in the new process's
                         argument   list   is  greater  than  the
                         system-imposed limit of  ARG_MAX  bytes.
                         The  argument  list  limit is sum of the
                         size of the argument list plus the  size
                         of   the  environment's  exported  shell

I think that we are getting an E2BIG error.  As you can see, if you
have large environment/small ARG_MAX, you will run into the problem.

I don't think that:
 env PATH=$PATH make 
will help, as this does nothing.
 env -i PATH=$PATH make
as this then executes the make in a CLEAN environment with only
PATH defined.  If you are using $GHC paths you will have to persuade
env to leave those in too perhaps.

I 'got around' this problem by editing the makefile at the place
where it links and putting 'exec' before the ghc command.  This exec(unix)
does not have the same space limitation as the other one.  It works.
Of course, your make stops but you can go back and take it out again.


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