Simon M. sez:
> GHC 2.07 definitely does compile with 0.29,
> including the happy-related bits.  The happy sources in the tree will
> compile with 0.29, and Happy can be told to generate 0.29-compatible
> parsers by giving it the -1.2 flag (this flag is used automatically by
> ghc/compiler/Makefile if it detects that ghc-0.29 is being used).

There must be some makefile wrinkle here, then, as apparently the
fact that ghc-0.29 was (by default, even) being used wasn't detected,
as the Parser.hs being produced was certainly 1.3-ish, and I didn't
know how to override that behaviour.  Mysterious Flag noted for future
reference, though...

Thanks to Jon and Juan, too, for their workarounds.

Apart from this setback, it compiles perfectly handily, I'm relieved
to say...


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