(Apologies if you're aware of/fixed this problem, I have GHC 2.05 and
haven't kept up with bug fix news.)

Exporting a constructor like (:..:) seems to cause an interface file
that fails to be parsed.  Hand-editing out the offending portion that
looks something like:

Auburn_CoreGen core guardResultBool guardResultList makeSig IntSubset(All :..: 
FiniteSet None) Op Phase(Phase) Profile(Profile) Role(Generator Mutator Observer) 
ShadowClass ShadowInfoClass Sig;

to remove the constructor:

Auburn_CoreGen core guardResultBool guardResultList makeSig IntSubset(All FiniteSet 
None) Op Phase(Phase) Profile(Profile) Role(Generator Mutator Observer) ShadowClass 
ShadowInfoClass Sig;

lets the interface-file be parsed, but of course the missing
constructor now causes the expected problem.  Putting parantheses
around the constructor in the interface-file didn't work either.


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