The following program explains the problem.

The value of expr is -2147483644, minBound::Int is -2147483648.
Hugs gives (-8388608, 4), ghc gives (8388607,4), ghc's answer violates the
law that `div` and `mod` should satisfy according to the Haskell Report.

main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn (show (expr `divMod` 256))

expr :: Int
expr = topbit + 4 where topbit = 2 ^ 31

The program was run on a SPARC running Solaris (SunOS 5.5.1).
GHC was compiled with gcc Different compiler options (-O,
-fvia-c) have no effect.

Apologies if this one is already known.


Antony Bowers, Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol, UK.

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