I hit some problems when trying to format the documentation
contained in the 4.00 source bundle -- however, I think,
this is not 4.00-specific.  I am not sure whether this is a
bug or just a stupid-operator error.

I am working on a 2.0.33 Linux system that has the LinuxDoc
tools 1.5 and teTeX 0.4 installed (out of the box).  However
I neither manage to build the info files nor the ps files.
(Searching through `installing.sgml', I also didn't find any
description on how to build the documentation.)  The
following are logs of the problems that I get in

  nomi ROOT 1048 (.../fptools/docs)# make info
  expand installing.vsgml | ../glafp-utils/sgmlverb/sgmlverb > installing.sgml
  sgml2info installing.sgml
  Processing file installing.sgml
  Making info file `installing.info' from `/tmp/sgmltmp.installing29856.info.2'.
  /tmp/sgmltmp.installing29856.info.2:53: Misplaced {.
  /tmp/sgmltmp.installing29856.info.2:53: Misplaced }.
  /tmp/sgmltmp.installing29856.info.2:75: Misplaced {.
  <continues like that>


  nomi ROOT 1049 (.../fptools/docs)# make ps
  expand installing.vsgml | ../glafp-utils/sgmlverb/sgmlverb > installing.sgml
  sgml2latex -m --output=tex installing.sgml
  Processing file installing.sgml
  ../glafp-utils/ltx/ltx installing.tex
  This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (C version 6.1)
  LaTeX2e <1996/12/01> patch level 1
  Babel <v3.6h> and hyphenation patterns for american, german, loaded.
  Document Class: article 1996/10/31 v1.3u Standard LaTeX document class
  Writing index file installing.idx

  ! LaTeX Error: File `linuxdoc-sgml.sty' not found.

  Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
  or enter new name. (Default extension: sty)

I checked and the file `linuxdoc-sgml.sty' is definitely
contained in my LinuxDoc distribution.  Do you require to
actually copy the file into the teTeX tree?

Thanks in advance for any comments,


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