I like to report two bugs that are causing problems during
installation of GHC and Happy, but are *not* a problem in
the fptools, but rather in some other software used during
the install:

I. GHC seems to have problems with pgcc (Pentium gcc).

   Situation: Trying to compile GHC 3.02 on Slackware Linux 3.4
              (2.x kernel) using pgcc 1.0.3 with GHC 2.10
              fails when the newly build compiler attempts
              to translate the prelude.

   My guess: pgcc produces wrong code for some of the
             generated C.

II. New bash 2.0 and Solaris sh cannot handle fptool makefiles.

    Situation: Trying to install Happy 1.5 on Solaris 5.5.1 using
               either bash 2.0 or Solaris' sh gives a syntax
               error from the subshell invoked by make.

               I guess, this problem will also occur when
               trying to install precompiled versions of
               ghc, maybe also during installs from source.

    Problem: The `config-pkgs' target generates empty loops
             of the form

               for x in ; do

             which are ok in bash 1.14, but lead to a syntax 
             error in bash 2.0 and Solaris' sh.

             I don't know whether this is regarded to be a
             feature (being more like sh) or bug in bash 2.0.

I thought, I let everybody know, because both problems may
be rather startling and may take some time to track down.



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