
On Tue, Oct 20, 1998 at 12:36:44AM -0700, Sigbjorn Finne (Intl Vendor) wrote:

> [...]

> To quote from somewhere deep within the Prelude:

>   instance Show (a -> b) where 
>     showsPrec _ _ = showString "<<function>>"

> [meta-comment: could we just do away with this one? Beyond giving
> rise to semi-entertaining bugs, it's of precious little practical use..]

I think, it IS of practical use for hugs users, as it prints
<<function>> as a response of a function valued expression instead
of an error message that it can't find an instance of Show for the
type of the entered expression.

> Thanks for the report; fixed (one line patch attached.)

> --Sigbjorn

> begin 600 MachRegs.diff

Why not in clear text? :-)

> [... uuencode deleted ...]

Regards, Felix.

PS: The Message-Id in your mail is a bit strange. Usually, it should

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