     Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer,
     The slings and bugs of outrageous compilers,

The current GHC-4.00 from the CVS repository highlights a bug in the
Haskell Library Report: There is confusion between isAlphanum and
isAlphaNum in the report and in the compiler. Hmmm, IMHO that?s a
little bit *too* obedient to the report...   ;-)

Although isAlphaNum looks nicer, previous GHCs, Hugs, NHC, and HBC
all use isAlphanum, so this should be the right choice.

Another minor thing: Compiling the Word module needs more than the
given 12MB heap, e.g. 16MB did it for me.


P.S.: We digged up a G3 PowerPC machine running Linux here, so
releasing 4.01 in .hc-style, too, would be nice.

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