Build GHC 3.02 with LibWays mp was amazingly successfully, thanks for
the good work. :) Since it's mentioned that 3.03 is the current version,
I gave it
a try too.

I got this error while compiling:


==fptools== gmake all --no-print-directory -r;
 in /usr/local/src/ghc-3.03/ghc/compiler

ghc -c -o parser/hschooks.o -cpp -fglasgow-exts -Rghc-timing -I.
-IcodeGen -Inat
iveGen -Iparser

:profiling:parser:nativeGen -recomp     parser/hschooks.c
                 from parser/hschooks.c:9,
/usr/local/lib/includes/StgMacros.h:1900: parse error before `sigset_t'
gmake[2]: *** [parser/hschooks.o] Error 1

It seems to me that StgMacros.h doesn't know the type sigset_t. Trying
to track down
the problem, it was found that sigset_t is defined in <asm/signal.h>,
which I don't think
StgMacros.h has included.

I'm not sure it's the problem (perhaps it's my own fault), but I hope
that helps. :)

Shin-Cheng Mu
Academia Sinica, Taiwan

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