
I'm trying to generate an automation interface for Outlook 98 using
HaskellDirect, but I'm encountering the following error:

C:\HaskellDirect\0.13\proe>..\ihc.exe msoutl85.idl -o msoutl85.hs -fcom
-fno-export-list -fno-gen-enum-marshallers -foleview-input
-fnogenbinary-interface -ftreat-importlibs-as-imports -fcoalesce-methods
+RTS -H16M
autoTypeToQName: unknown auto type struct stdole2.idl.TagGUID {
   unsigned long data1;
   unsigned short data2;
   unsigned short data3;
   char[8] data4;

I generated the idl using oleview (v2.10.054 April 11 98) and I'm using
HaskellDirect (snapshot 021298) on Win NT 4.0 sp4. I'm not very familiar
with COM and automation, is there anything which I'm obviously doing wrong?
My goal is to drive MS Outlook 98 using hugscript.

Thanks for your help,



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