
I just discovered the following bug (ghc-4.02).

> module LL( logLen ) where
> import DE
> -- de = quot

> logLen :: [a] -> Int
> logLen as = ll $ length as
>   where ll i | i < 2     = 0
>         ll i | otherwise = succ $ ll $ de i 2


> module DE( de ) where
> de = quot

I have compiled module DE separately from module LL.
Compiling LL does not work:

    Couldn't match `Integer' against `Int'
        Expected type: Integer
        Inferred type: Int
    In the application `length as'
    In the second argument of `$', namely `length as'

Commenting the ``import DE'' line and uncommenting
the ``de = quot'' line does compile.  It seems as if
something goes wrong when exporting functions across
different modules.


Marc van Dongen

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