"S.D.Mechveliani" wrote:

> Simon Marlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> writes on 4.04 binary installation
> >> [..]
> >> ld: fatal: library -lgmp: not found
> >> [..]
> >> ld: fatal: File processing errors. No output written to ...
> > Ok, looks like I need to remake these distributions with gmp libraries
> > included.
> But this will bring the  gmp  duplicate to most machines?
> Maybe, insert into the installation manual the phrase about setting
> $LibGmp  value?
> The user is asked to set  $prefix.  One could set $GmpLib  as well ...
> My question was caused by that this small adventure with GmpLib was
> not expected, not documented.

I don't know who is *supposed* to supply the gmp lib, but on my RedHat 6.0
system, it was a simple matter of installing the `gmp-devel' rpm, which is
in the distribution, but I guess not installed by default.  BTW, the shared
gmp lib *is* installed by default (included in the `gmp' rpm), just not the
static one that GHC needs.


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