Hi There,

When I noticed that my mkdependHS didn't work any more
I noticed that the release notes for ghc-4.04 mentioned
that this program had become obsolete and that ghc-4.04 -M
should be used instead.

The problem I have with ghc-4.04 -M is that is seems to
be *very* reluctant to generate dependencies.

Invoking ghc-4.04 as follows:
 ghc-4.04 -M
for a Makefile containing the following lines
  SRCS = *.lhs *.hs

.SUFFIXES : .o .hi .hs .lhs
        $(HC) -c $<
        $(HC) -c $<

(and more) in a directory containing *lots* of source
files does absolutely nothing. The last two lines in
the resulting Makefile are
# DO NOT DELETE: Beginning of Haskell dependencies
# DO NOT DELETE: End of Haskell dependencies

The result of invoking ghc-4.04 -M does indeed update
the Makefile (I checked this using an ls -l).

I cannot find any documnetation about the -M option so
I don't know if I am doing something wrong.s

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Yours desperately,


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