I must admit that I don't fully understand the new offside rule
anymore, but the following is probably a bug in ghc-4.04 (note that
putStrLn is in the same column as the second occurrence of greetings):

-- Foo.hs -----------------------
main = greetings
  where greetings =
        putStrLn "Hello, world!"

   panne:~ > ghc Foo.hs
   Foo.hs:3: parse error on input `'

   Compilation had errors

Adding one more space in front of putStrLn makes ghc happy.

Sven Panne                                        Tel.: +49/89/2178-2235
LMU, Institut fuer Informatik                     FAX : +49/89/2178-2211
LFE Programmier- und Modellierungssprachen              Oettingenstr. 67
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]            D-80538 Muenchen

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