>>>>> "Sigbjorn" == Sigbjorn Finne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Sigbjorn> Hi,

    Sigbjorn> you don't say what version you're using, but I'm guessing
    Sigbjorn> it's 3.01.  There'a a couple of patches that should fix
    Sigbjorn> the problem of cross-module scc inlinings for 3.01 -
    Sigbjorn> appended at the end.

    Sigbjorn> Pls let us know if this doesn't fix things.

    Sigbjorn> --Sigbjorn

Thanks your patch worked great.  Now, I've got lots of numbers to look
at which should keep me quiet for a bit, except for the following
ObBugs (all from ghc-3.01 on solaris): 


gmake install can't remove the existing ghc symbolic link before

I want to run gmake install (necessary with the library
re-organisations!). I get the following error:

[keving@holly] kgbuild [52] make uninstall
/bin/sh: syntax error at line 1: `;' unexpected
make: *** [uninstall] Error 2
[keving@holly] kgbuild [53] 

If I run gmake -d uninstall I am little wiser:

[keving@holly] kgbuild [55] gmake -d uninstall
GNU Make version 3.72.1, by Richard Stallman and Roland McGrath.
Copyright (C) 1988, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A

Reading makefiles...
Reading makefile `Makefile'...
Reading makefile `mk/boilerplate.mk' (search path) (no ~ expansion)...
Reading makefile `mk/config.mk' (search path) (no ~ expansion)...
Reading makefile `mk/paths.mk' (search path) (no ~ expansion)...
Reading makefile `mk/opts.mk' (search path) (no ~ expansion)...
Reading makefile `mk/suffix.mk' (search path) (no ~ expansion)...
Reading makefile `mk/build.mk' (search path) (don't care) (no ~ expansion)...
Reading makefile `.depend' (search path) (don't care) (no ~ expansion)...
Reading makefile `mk/target.mk' (search path) (no ~ expansion)...
Child access: user 1011 (real 1011), group 22 (real 22)
Got a SIGCHLD; 1 unreaped children.
Child access: user 1011 (real 1011), group 22 (real 22)
Child access: user 1011 (real 1011), group 22 (real 22)
Updating makefiles....
 Considering target file `mk/target.mk'.
  Looking for an implicit rule for `mk/target.mk'.
  No implicit rule found for `mk/target.mk'.
  Finished dependencies of target file `mk/target.mk'.
 No need to remake target `mk/target.mk'.
 Considering target file `.depend'.
  Looking for an implicit rule for `.depend'.
  No implicit rule found for `.depend'.
  Finished dependencies of target file `.depend'.
 No need to remake target `.depend'.
 Considering target file `mk/build.mk'.
  Looking for an implicit rule for `mk/build.mk'.
  No implicit rule found for `mk/build.mk'.
  Finished dependencies of target file `mk/build.mk'.
 No need to remake target `mk/build.mk'.
 Considering target file `mk/suffix.mk'.
  Looking for an implicit rule for `mk/suffix.mk'.
  No implicit rule found for `mk/suffix.mk'.
  Finished dependencies of target file `mk/suffix.mk'.
 No need to remake target `mk/suffix.mk'.
 Considering target file `mk/opts.mk'.
  Looking for an implicit rule for `mk/opts.mk'.
  No implicit rule found for `mk/opts.mk'.
  Finished dependencies of target file `mk/opts.mk'.
 No need to remake target `mk/opts.mk'.
 Considering target file `mk/paths.mk'.
  Looking for an implicit rule for `mk/paths.mk'.
  No implicit rule found for `mk/paths.mk'.
  Finished dependencies of target file `mk/paths.mk'.
 No need to remake target `mk/paths.mk'.
 Considering target file `mk/config.mk'.
  Looking for an implicit rule for `mk/config.mk'.
  No implicit rule found for `mk/config.mk'.
  Finished dependencies of target file `mk/config.mk'.
 No need to remake target `mk/config.mk'.
 Considering target file `mk/boilerplate.mk'.
  Looking for an implicit rule for `mk/boilerplate.mk'.
  No implicit rule found for `mk/boilerplate.mk'.
  Finished dependencies of target file `mk/boilerplate.mk'.
 No need to remake target `mk/boilerplate.mk'.
 Considering target file `Makefile'.
  Looking for an implicit rule for `Makefile'.
  No implicit rule found for `Makefile'.
  Finished dependencies of target file `Makefile'.
 No need to remake target `Makefile'.
Updating goal targets....
Considering target file `uninstall'.
 File `uninstall' does not exist.
 Finished dependencies of target file `uninstall'.
Target `uninstall' is double-colon and has no dependencies.
Must remake target `uninstall'.
Child access: user 1011 (real 1011), group 22 (real 22)
/bin/sh: syntax error at line 1: `;' unexpected
Putting child 0x00068730 PID 12129 on the chain.
Live child 0x00068730 PID 12129
Reaping losing child 0x00068730 PID 12129
gmake: *** [uninstall] Error 2
Removing child 0x00068730 PID 12129 from chain.
[keving@holly] kgbuild [56] 


hstags is missing a semi-colon from the end of line 70.


I realise that some time ago one of the ghc lists said that 'anyone who
compiles a happy output file with optimisation flags set has cold
semolina for brains' (or words to that effect).  However, if I compile
the hs file produced from the following happy file with a -O flag ghc
will bust whatever heap size I give it, works OK without the
optimisation flag.  I don't need an optimised parser, but my cold
semolina can't be bothered working out how to write a Makefile that
passes different options to one file than all the others ....

As you can see I stole the parser from an example.  It parses boolean


-- Taken from AndysExample in the happy distribution which parses
-- numeric expressions.  This parses a list of boolean eqns 
-- (e.g. fun x y = x ^ y)

-- Kevin Glynn  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
-- History:
-- 18 Feb 1998  keving  Created from ParseBExpr.ly
--  2 Mar 1998  keving  Mod lexer to ignore comments (# to eol)

> {
> module ParseBEqns (parseBEqns, beLexer) where
> import Char
> import BoolExpr
> import BoolEqns
> }

> %name parseBEqns
> %tokentype { Token }

The parser will be of type [Token] -> ?, where ? is determined by the
production rules.  Now we declare all the possible tokens:

 %monad { P } { thenP } { returnP }

> %token 
>       var             { TokenVar $$ }
>       '^'             { TokenAnd }
>       'v'             { TokenOr }
>       '~'             { TokenNot }
>       '->'            { TokenImpl }
>       '<-'            { TokenRImpl }
>       '<->'           { TokenIff }
>       true            { TokenTrue }
>       false           { TokenFalse }
>       '('             { TokenOB }
>       ')'             { TokenCB }
>       '='             { TokenEquals }
>       ';'             { TokenSep }
>       ','             { TokenComma }

The left hand side are the names of the terminals or tokens,
and the right hand side is how to pattern match them.

Like yacc, we include %% here, for no real reason.

> %%

Now we have the production rules.  I'm trying to capture the priority
of operations.  May need to experiment with that.

> FuncDefs :: { [FuncDef] }
> FuncDefs :                                    { [] }
>       | FuncDefs Func                         { $2 : $1 }

> Func :: { FuncDef }
> Func : var Args '=' BoolExpr ';'              { ($1, (reverse $2, $4)) }

> Args :: { [String] }
> Args :                                        { [] }
>       | Args var                              { $2 : $1 }

> BoolExpr :: { BoolExpr }
> BoolExpr : BoolExpr '->' IffExp               { BImpl $1 $3 }
>      | BoolExpr '<-' IffExp                   { BImpl $3 $1 }
>      | IffExp                                 { $1 }

> IffExp :: { BoolExpr }
> IffExp : IffExp '<->' OrExp                   { BIff $1 $3 }
>      | OrExp                                  { $1 }

> OrExp :: { BoolExpr }
> OrExp : OrExp 'v' AndExp                      { BOr $1 $3 }
>      | AndExp                                 { $1 }

> AndExp :: { BoolExpr }
> AndExp : AndExp '^' BasExp                    { BAnd $1 $3 }
>      | BasExp                                 { $1 }

> BasExp :: { BoolExpr }
> BasExp : '~' BasExp                           { BNot $2 }
>      | var                                    { BVar $1 }
>      | true                                   { BTrue }
>      | false                                  { BFalse }
>      | '(' BoolExpr ')'                       { $2 }
>      | var Lexp_plus                          { BFun $1 (reverse $2) }

> Lexp_plus :: { [BoolExpr] }
> Lexp_plus : BoolExpr                          { [$1] }
>       |  Lexp_plus ',' BoolExpr               { $3 : $1 }

We are simply returning the parsed data structure !
Now we need some extra code, to support this parser,
and make in complete:

> {

All parsers must declair this function, 
which is called when an error is detected.
Note that currently we do no error recovery.

> happyError :: [Token] -> a
> happyError _ = error ("Parse error\n")

Now we declare the datastructure that we are parsing.
(Imported from BoolExpr.hs)

The datastructure for the tokens...

> data Token
>       = TokenVar String
>       | TokenNot
>       | TokenAnd
>       | TokenOr
>       | TokenIff
>       | TokenImpl
>       | TokenRImpl
>       | TokenFalse
>       | TokenTrue
>       | TokenOB
>       | TokenCB
>       | TokenEquals
>       | TokenSep
>       | TokenComma

.. and a simple lexer that returns this datastructure.

> beLexer :: String -> [Token]
> beLexer [] = []
> beLexer ('#':cs) = beLexer (dropWhile (\c -> not(c == '\n')) cs)
> beLexer ('~':cs) = TokenNot : beLexer cs
> beLexer ('!':cs) = TokenNot : beLexer cs
> beLexer ('^':cs) = TokenAnd : beLexer cs
> beLexer ('&':cs) = TokenAnd : beLexer cs
> beLexer ('v':cs) = TokenOr : beLexer cs
> beLexer ('|':cs) = TokenOr : beLexer cs
> beLexer ('=':cs) = TokenEquals : beLexer cs
> beLexer (';':cs) = TokenSep : beLexer cs
> beLexer (',':cs) = TokenComma : beLexer cs
> beLexer ('-':('>':cs)) = TokenImpl : beLexer cs
> beLexer ('<':('-':('>':cs))) = TokenIff : beLexer cs
> beLexer ('<':('-':cs)) = TokenRImpl : beLexer cs
> beLexer ('(':cs) = TokenOB : beLexer cs
> beLexer (')':cs) = TokenCB : beLexer cs
> beLexer (c:cs) 
>       | isSpace c = beLexer cs
>       | isAlpha c = lexVar (c:cs)

> lexVar cs =
>    case span isAlphanum cs of
>       ("TRUE",rest) -> TokenTrue : beLexer rest
>       ("true",rest) -> TokenTrue : beLexer rest
>       ("FALSE",rest)  -> TokenFalse : beLexer rest
>       ("false",rest)  -> TokenFalse : beLexer rest
>       ("and",rest)  -> TokenAnd : beLexer rest
>       ("or",rest)  -> TokenOr : beLexer rest
>       ("not",rest)  -> TokenNot : beLexer rest
>       (var,rest)   -> TokenVar var : beLexer rest

To run the program, call this in gofer, or use some code
to print it.

 runCalc :: String -> Exp
 runCalc = calc . lexer

Here we test our parser.

 main = case runCalc "1 + 2 + 3" of {
        (Exp1 (Plus (Plus (Term (Factor (Int 1))) (Factor (Int 2))) (Factor (Int 3)))) 
        case runCalc "1 * 2 + 3" of {
        (Exp1 (Plus (Term (Times (Factor (Int 1)) (Int 2))) (Factor (Int 3)))) ->
        case runCalc "1 + 2 * 3" of {
        (Exp1 (Plus (Term (Factor (Int 1))) (Times (Factor (Int 2)) (Int 3)))) ->
        case runCalc "let x = 2 in x * (x - 2)" of {
        (Let "x" (Exp1 (Term (Factor (Int 2)))) (Exp1 (Term (Times (Factor (Var "x")) 
(Brack (Exp1 (Minus (Term (Factor (Var "x"))) (Factor (Int 2))))))))) -> print 
"AndysTest works\n" ; 
        _ -> quit } ; _ -> quit } ; _ -> quit } ; _ -> quit }
 quit = print "AndysTest failed\n"

 type P a = a
 thenP a b = b a
 returnP a = a

Now the state monad

> type P a = () -> (a,())
> thenP a b s = case a s of
>                 (r,s') -> b r s'
> returnP a = \ s -> (a,s)

> }

Please let me know if you need more info.  Thanks for your time and


wot, no .sig?

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