
would it be possible to send us a copy of the code that's showing this
up? We're unable to reproduce this here.


Marc van Dongen= writes:
> Hello there,
> While compiling some source code of mine, containing
> the following lines (line numbers included):
> 321
> 322  > minCycleLength :: Vertex -> (MarcMap Vertex (MarcMap Vertex v)) -> Maybe Int
> 323  > minCycleLength v g
> 324  >   = mcl ws g''
> 325  >   where ws  = mapDom (rdMap g v)
> 326  >         g'  = mapMap (\wrs -> mapMap (\_ -> Nothing) wrs) g
> 327  >         g'' = foldr (\w g' -> wrMap (rdMap g' w) v (Just (w,1))) g' ws
> 328  >         mcl [] _
> 329  >             = Nothing
> 330  >
> Line 329 was the last line of the definition of minCycleLength (under construction).
> The following error message was returned by ghc-3.01
> Search.lhs:327:
>     Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type:
>             a1Lv = MarcMap a1Lt a1Lv
>     Expected: MarcMap a1Lz (MarcMap a1Lz a1Lv)
>     Inferred: MarcMap a1Lz a1Lv
>     In the first argument of `MarcMap.rdMap', namely `g'
>     In the first argument of `MarcMap.wrMap', namely
>         `(MarcMap.rdMap g w)'
> It seems as if the quote symbol in the fragment
>        (rdMap g' w)
> in line 327 has been omitted somehow. The two nearest occurences of
> the regular expression "rdMap[ ]+g[ ]+w" are more than 100 lines before
> and 30 lines after line 327.
> If needed, I can provide the source-code from which this was generated.
> Regards,
> Marc

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