> > Tried that (see next report) so unless I have the wrong 
> > part(s) of said
> > tree...
> You're still using RTSFlags instead of RtsFlags (the structure name, not he
> include file) and you're not including RtsFlags.h.

I thought I tried both of these, but obviously never in the right
permutation, and/or with the right -I.  BTW, the field names have changed
too.  So the example ought to read:

#include "Rts.h"
#include "RtsFlags.h"
      void defaultsHook (void) {
         RtsFlags.GcFlags.maxStkSize =  1000002 / sizeof(W_);
         RtsFlags.GcFlags.maxHeapSize =  8000002 / sizeof(W_);

And to compile, one needs something not dissimilar to:

ghc -I../ghc-4.01/build/ghc/rts rts.c (i.e., path of the RtsFlags.h file).
I'd apologise for belabouring the obvious, only it wasn't...


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