> This sounds plausible, if the above msg had printed out the Id including
> its module qualifier, it would have been a little bit easier to debug
> this (Maybe moved from PrelBase to PrelMaybe with 2.09.)

Well actually, what would have been more helpful is knowing which
interface file it was that was causing the problem.  Doubtless there's
a way of having this stuff spewed out, but shouldn't it be automatic,
for interface file errors?

> Another case where leaving out module qualifiers on Ids in
> warnings/errors, does more harm than good. This probably should be
> controllable from the command line.

... And in the other case, wouldn't the better fix be to put in a test
to see if module qualifiers are required to distinquish the entities
in the error message?

Anyway, I recompiled some things, and the problem went away, so I think
it was indeed an interface file problem.


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