On Fri, 11 Jun 1999, Sven Panne wrote:

> > [...] I'm compiling on Linux/i586 2.2.9, GCC 2.8.1, libc5.4.44 with
> > binary compatibility with libc6 (so I am able to run the ghc 4.02
> > binary libc6 distribution, but the compiler I am building will end
> > up linked against libc5)
> We had a similar setup here temporarily and it was a *real* pain, not
> only for GHC. Switching to a true libc6 system with libc5 backwards
> compatibility should be the way to go nowadays.

I suppose an upgrade to Slackware 4.0 will be in order some time soon for
me then...  Us libc5'ers are getting to be a percecuted class...
> > Here is the relevant error output: [...]
> That was a typo in PprCore.lhs which has already been fixed.
> I suggest that you use
>    ftp://ftp.informatik.uni-muenchen.de/pub/local/pms/ghc-4.03-43.i386.rpm

Is this a binary dist or a working source snapshot?  Either way I'll be
downloading it tonight when I get home from work...

> and compile some simple programs with it first. Check them with ldd to
> make sure that they *only* load libc.so.6 and not libc.so.5 in addition.
> If things go wrong here, go straight to your sysadmin and tell him/her
> to upgrade...   :-}

Actually I've never had my compiler get confused with libc versions yet.
It could be that the libc6 bins are a very recent addition, aquired
actually just to get ghc 4.02 working :)

So I've never compiled the compiler in an environment where lib6 is
around, hence no problems so far.  But yes, I'll tell the sysadmin (me :)
to go invest in a Slack 4.0 CD, bite the bullet and upgrade... 

           ------------------ Peter Amstutz --------------------
           -------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -------------
           ------- http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~tetron -------

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