In the processing of compiling GHC 4.02 using the *.hc files
recently made available, in a RedHat 6.0 (glibc 2.1, egcs 1.1.2),
I have executed the commands:

        $ cd /var/tmp
        $ tar -zxf /urano/downloads/haskell/ghc/ghc-4.02-src.tar.gz
        $ cd fptools
        $ tar -zxf /urano/downloads/haskell/ghc/ghc-3.02-hc.tar.gz
        $ ./configure --prefix=/var/tmp/ghc --enable-hc-boot
        $ make boot
        $ make all
        $ ./configure --prefix=/var/tmp/ghc
        $ cd ghc/lib
        $ make boot
        $ make all

but the latest command failed with the following messages:
../../../ghc/driver/ghc -i../misc -recomp -cpp -fglasgow-exts -fvia-C -Rghc-timing -O 
-split-objs -odir PosixTTY  '-#include"cbits/libposix.h"' -monly-2-regs  -c 
PosixTTY.lhs -o PosixTTY.o -osuf o
<<ghc: 263578000 bytes, 331 GCs, 2803122/5866356 avg/max bytes residency (9 samples), 
17M in use, 0.01 INIT (0.02 elapsed), 8.71 MUT (9.11 elapsed), 5.39 GC (5.74 elapsed) 
ghc: module version changed to 1; reason: no old .hi file
Epilogue junk?: 
        popl %ecx
        .size    c91T_ret,.Lfe337-c91T_ret
.section        .rodata
        .align 4
        .type    c91S_info,@object
        .size    c91S_info,12

make[1]: *** [PosixTTY.o] Error 255
make: *** [all] Error 1

Any help?

Prof. José Romildo Malaquias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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