Alright, I'm _still_ trying to get a working 4.03 compiler so I can play
with the FFI...  So far I've got the ghc 4.02 linux distribution working
fine.  A couple weeks ago I tried out the cvs source and was stopped by a
typo.  Someone reccomended a binary, but it didn't work (strange linking
errors...)  So now I'm back to trying to compile again, with sources
updating as of about five minutes ago.  I'm getting this *strange*

==fptools== make all --no-print-directory -r;
 in /home/tetron/hack/lang/haskell/fptools-cvs2/ghc/compiler
ghc -cpp -fglasgow-exts -Rghc-timing -I. -IcodeGen -InativeGen -Iparser
-recomp   -Onot -H45m -K2m -dcore-lint -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns
-dcore-lint  -c rename/ParseIface.hs -o rename/ParseIface.o -osuf o
make[2]: *** [rename/ParseIface.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all] Interrupt
make: *** [all] Interrupt

Everything up to here compiles fine, but on this file something fucks up.
Basically it just sits here and *grinds*, in a matter of seconds gobbling
up something like 70 or 80 megabytes of memory (my system only has 64!)
and pretty much just sitting there doing nothing (I let it sit for
somthing like 15 minutes trying to build this one file and it never got
anywhere, so I finally ^C'd it...  yes I have tried to build it several
times, with exactly the same effect)

My main interest in ghc is in the Foreign Function Interface, which seems
to be more better than the FFI for other interesting functional
languages...  I wrote in about 1,000 lines of SML a simple roguelike
dungeon crawler (probably the first and only roguelike written entirly in
the functional paradigm! :) but I had to reimplement a simple
terminal-manipulation library to echo escape-codes directly to the screen.
A better solution would be to wrap ncurses, but SML/NJ has a terrible FFI
that basically requires recompiling the system to add new calls, whereas
ghc seems to be able to use functions from shared libraries, so I can mix
haskell and C code freely...

Anyway, help me out here.  I wanna have a good reason to use haskell :)

           ------------------ Peter Amstutz --------------------
           -------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -------------
           ------- -------

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