> > what does `head lit2latex` report? 
> It sez:
> #!/usr/local/bin/perl
> $TMPDIR="/tmp";
> $LIB_DIR="/amd/church/ogi/staff/simonpj/BUILDS/spj-working/literate";
> $TGRIND_HELPER="/usr/local/lib/tgrind/tfontedpr ";
> #
> # This perl script needs the definition of a few `make'
> # variables to make sense (normally added when `make'ing
> # it). They are:
> #
> Hrm, does look a bit fishy...

Yes, try "make clean all" in literate/ and it should work better. The
diffs do tell you to remove some files in literate/ manually (it would
be better if a diff script automatically did this, cf. gcc diffs)

> > > /bin/sh: @echo: not found
> > A couple of these sillies existed in pl1, but I cannot see that
> > there's any of them left in pl2; where/when did it happen during
> > `make install' ?
> Incessantly.  Example (first place it crops up on re-running on an
> already installed machine, to be exact):
> rm -f hscpp
> Creating hscpp...
> Done.
> /bin/sh: @echo: not found
> /export/home/ferguson/ghc-2.04/build/install-sh -c -g ghc-admin hscpp 
> /usr/local/ghc-2.04/lib

The Makefile bits it is executing at that point are "@echo"-free in
2.04-pl2, so I'd suggest snaffling mk/target.mk from the 2.04-pl2
source distribution if this bothers you.

Re: bonus problem of building docs, I suspect `make boot' failed in
fptools/ghc/docs for the same reasons as fptools/docs did.
Hopefully, "make clean all" in fptools/literate fixes up this problem
as well.


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