Ian Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> I wrote:
> > I have a program (no doubt pretty grotty - I'm still messing around
> > learning Haskell) which causes GHC (4.04.19990916) to produce an
> > executable which coredumps.
> ...
> > I'm using a GHC binary package from Debian GNU/Linux, binary package
> > version 4.04.19990916-0slink1 built by Michael Weber
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  As soon as I get it to compile
> > I'll try a compiler installation I built myself.
> I've managed to build the Debian source 4.04.19990916-2 and it says:
> -davenant:stalk> ./nettlestalk 
> foo
> nettlestalk: fatal error: No threads to run!  Deadlock?
> -davenant:stalk> 

The current runtime system uses threads anyway.  "Concurrent 
Haskell" is only a library that gives you access to an
additional set of primitives.

> My program doesn't use the Concurrent Haskell extensions.  ISTR seeing
> something about this on the mailing list or somewhere, and that it
> might be cured by using a later version ?  I can't see a later version
> mentioned at http://www.haskell.org/ghc/download_ghc_404.html, unless
> I want to use the CVS HEAD ...

4.04 is the latest released version.


PS: I think, it is sufficient to post this to

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