Ian Jackson writes ("RE: RegexString: was it really meant to be that way ?"):
> I've just tried my version of RegexString with a compiler snapshot
> obtained by using  cvs up -D '25 December 1999'  and it doesn't work
> properly any more.  It seems that re_match now gives a REmatch whose
> first field, Array Int GroupBounds, is always indexed from 0 to some
> moderately large number, rather than only having the `relevant'
> elements in it.
> I shall work around this in my program by matching against a:b:_ &c  as
> you suggest, but it does defeat part of the purpose of my patch.

Oh, and substrPS now fails if the supplied bounds are outside the
string, even if the end is before the beginning.  This is a bit
unhelpful, but either way the behaviour should be documented.

I had to change getFromBounds in my RegexString to

> getFromBounds s (beg,end)
>       | end > beg     = unpackPS (substrPS s beg (end-1))
>       | otherwise     = ""


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