Fri, 25 Feb 2000 13:10:24 +0100, Sven Panne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> It's not clear to me how exactly this should be accomplished via
> foreign import. The (well, *my* :-) basic problem is: How do you
> map about 1000 numerical #defines from C header files (OpenGL/GLUT)
> efficiently to Haskell? Saving some STG state, calling out to C land,
> and restoring some state for accessing every value will definitely
> make my binding about 1-2 orders slower.

IMHO the following should be efficient, calling the function only once,
near the time of the first use (if not, should be fixed):

foreign import aConstant :: Int
#include <header.h>
int aConstant (void)
    return A_CONSTANT;

A tool could be helpful in massive generating such functions...

 __("<    Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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