
I attach a piece of code: it's part of my thesis, attempts to turn
(strict) functions to catamorphisms (see the comment in the code). It
compiles just fine with core lint and debug on, but when I add the call
to cheapSimplify it produces a runtime error:

[hsc: no threads to run: infinite loop or deadlock?]

The funny thing  is of course that the result is not even used, only
printed with trace. Without the call to cheapSimplify it prints whatever
it is expected to print. I did not tinker with simplExpr (which is
called by cheapSimplify) or any other part of the compiler only added to
it. I am using the original -- from someone's RPM -- 4.06 under SuSe
6.3. If you need all the code (it's three more files 2-300 lines each)
to reproduce the error I'm happy to send it.

Any ideas? 


module Cataify ( cataify ) where

#include "HsVersions.h"

import CoreSyn
import CoreUtils   ( coreExprType )
import CoreUnfold  ( certainlySmallEnoughToInline, calcUnfoldingGuidance )
import CmdLineOpts ( opt_D_dump_cataified, opt_UF_CreationThreshold
                   , SwitchResult(..), SimplifierSwitch(..) )
import Id          ( getInlinePragma, mkVanillaId, setInlinePragma )
import IdInfo      ( InlinePragInfo(..) )
import TyCon       ( TyCon, tyConTyVars )
import DataCon     ( dataConArgTys, dataConName, DataCon )
import Simplify    ( simplExpr )
import SimplMonad  ( initSmpl, thenSmpl, mapSmpl, returnSmpl )
import CoreLint    ( beginPass, endPass )
import OccName     ( mkSrcVarOcc )
import Name        ( mkDerivedName, getOccString )
import VarSet      ( VarSet, emptyVarSet, mkVarSet )
import FastString  ( mkFastString )
import List        ( partition )
import Util        ( only, sortLt )
import WFUtil

import Outputable

cataify :: UniqSupply -> [CoreBind] -> IO [CoreBind]
cataify us binds
  = do {
        beginPass "Cataify";

        let { binds' = initUs_ us $
                       mapUs (walkBind (fusible_tcs, cataids, mapids)) others `thenUs` 
\ others' ->
                       returnUs (concat others') };
--      endPass "Cataify" opt_D_dump_cataified (cbs ++ binds');
      return ([Rec . flattenBinds $ (catas ++ binds')]);
    (catas, others) = partition (isCata . getFirstBdr) binds

    -- tycon is fusible *iff* there is a cata for it
    fusible_tcs = map (sortLt sortPredForTyCons . map tyConOfCataOrMap . bindersOf)
                $ catas

    cataids = bindersOfBinds catas
    mapids  = bindersOfBinds . filter (isMap . getFirstBdr) $ others

f :: \/a .T t -> v
f = /\ a \ t v. e
f_1 = /\ a \ z_1 .. z_n \ v.(\t.e) (C1 tyargs x_1 ... x_nm)
f_n = /\ a \ z_1 .. z_n \ v.(\t.e) (Cn tyargs x_1 ... x_nm)

f is split into as many functions as constructors of T has.
v denotes an arbitrary number of arguments
x_1...x_n are appropriately typed fresh variables
z_1...z_n ditto, but their types are 'abstractified' (abstractTys)

we can't generate the zs (new binders -- rhs of rules) here as we
don't have all the bindings in a mutually recursive group i.e. we
don't know how many rho's  we need.

So we do
f_1 = /\ a \ v.(\t.e) (C1 tyargs x_1 ... x_nm)

!!! zs need to be inserted between the type binders and v !!!

cataifySplit :: ([[TyCon]], [Id], [Id]) -> [ (Id, CoreExpr) ] -> UniqSM [ CoreBind ]
cataifySplit (ftcs, _, _) binds__
     -- never_inline needs to be put back, but right now the
     -- buildified stuff is marked as never inline
  | any null argss__                                       -- all of them are functions
 {-|| never_inline fn_id-}
 || any (not . maybeFusible (concat ftcs) . head) argss__  -- all the first args are 
 || any null bdrss__                                       -- we can get the arguments
 -- FIX ME: add that the number of functions in the mut rec group is
 --         exactly the same as the number of mut rec tycons. We don't
 --         know what to do with the extra functions.
  = trace (showSDoc (hcat [text "Failed: " <> ppr bdrs__ <+> ppr argss__])) $
    returnUs [Rec binds__]

  | otherwise           -- Do the  business
      -- ASSUMPTION: the entire group is quantified over the same
      -- number of type variables
  = getUniquesUs (length . takeWhile (not . isId) $ (head bdrss)) `thenUs` \ tv_uniqs 
    getUs                                                         `thenUs` \ supply   
      tvs     = map myMkSysTyVar tv_uniqs
      tvtys   = mkTyVarTys tvs
      newrhss = map (flip mkApps (map Type tvtys)) rhss

      insttys = snd3 . splitAlgTyConApp . head . fst . splitFunTys . coreExprType . 
              $ newrhss

      (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply supply
    setUs us1                                        `thenUs_`
    mapUs (mapUs (genConApp insttys)) dataconss      `thenUs` \ lfuns ->
      rexprs = cheapSimplify us2 emptyVarSet
             . concat . map (\ (e, a) -> map (mkApps e . flip (:) [] . snd) a)
             $ zip newrhss lfuns
    trace (showSDoc (vcat [text "Attempted: " <> text (show (length tv_uniqs)) 
                          , ppr bdrs
                          , ppr (map coreExprType newrhss)
                          , ppr rexprs])) $
    returnUs [Rec binds']
      -- the original binds are used because that doesn't require them
      -- to be sorted. The sort predicate assumes that the first
      -- argument is a splitAlgTyConApp-able
      -- DONT USE THESE names except for the guards: they are coming from the UNSORTED 
    (bdrs__, rhss__) = unzip binds__
    (bdrss__, _)     = unzip . map collectBinders $ rhss__
    argss__          = map (fst . splitFunTys . snd . splitForAllTys . idType) bdrs__
      -- END OF DONT USE

      -- Don't split something which is marked unconditionally NOINLINE
    never_inline fid = case getInlinePragma fid of
                         IMustNotBeINLINEd False Nothing -> True
                         other                           -> False

      -- Re-sort the bindings to make sure that ordering matches that of in Derive
    binds'   = sortLt sortPredForBindings binds__
    tc_group = map ( fst3 . splitAlgTyConApp . head . fst . splitFunTys
                   . snd . splitForAllTys . idType . fst)
             $ binds'

      -- all the data constructors in the RIGHT order (tycons are sorted)
    dataconss = map tyConDataCons tc_group

    (bdrs, rhss) = unzip binds'
    (bdrss, _)   = unzip . map collectBinders $ rhss

    genConApp :: [Type] -> DataCon -> UniqSM ([Id], CoreExpr)
    genConApp tys dcon
      = getUniquesUs (length argtys)      `thenUs` \ uniqs ->
          arg_ids = map (\ (u, t, n) -> mkSysLocal (mkFastString (name ++ "_" ++ show 
n)) u t)
                  $ zip3 uniqs argtys [1..]
          returnUs (arg_ids, mkConApp dcon (map Type tys ++ map Var arg_ids))
        argtys    = dataConArgTys dcon tys
        name      = lowercase . getOccString . dataConName $ dcon

cheapSimplify :: UniqSupply -> VarSet -> [CoreExpr] -> [CoreExpr]
cheapSimplify supply varset exprs
  = case (initSmpl sw_chkr supply varset (\id -> True) (mapSmpl simplExpr exprs)) of
      (exprs', _) -> exprs'
    sw_chkr (MaxSimplifierIterations _) = SwInt 1
    sw_chkr (SimplInlinePhase _)        = SwInt 1
    sw_chkr SimplLetToCase              = SwBool False
    sw_chkr DontApplyRules              = SwBool False

walkBind :: ([[TyCon]], [Id], [Id]) -> CoreBind -> UniqSM [CoreBind]
walkBind ids bind@(NonRec binder rhs)
  = walkExpr ids rhs                 `thenUs` \ new_rhs ->
    cataifySplit ids [ (binder, new_rhs) ]

walkBind ids (Rec pairs)
  = mapUs (walkExpr ids) rhss              `thenUs` \ new_rhss ->
    cataifySplit ids (zip bdrs new_rhss)
    (bdrs, rhss) = unzip pairs

walkExpr :: ([[TyCon]], [Id], [Id]) -> CoreExpr -> UniqSM CoreExpr
walkExpr ids e@(Type _)   = returnUs e
walkExpr ids e@(Var _)    = returnUs e

walkExpr ids (Con con args)
 = mapUs (walkExpr ids) args                       `thenUs` \ args' ->
   returnUs (Con con args')

walkExpr ids (Lam binder expr)
  = walkExpr ids expr                            `thenUs` \ new_expr ->
    returnUs (Lam binder new_expr)

walkExpr ids (App f a)
  = walkExpr ids f                               `thenUs` \ new_f ->
    walkExpr ids a                               `thenUs` \ new_a ->
    returnUs (App new_f new_a)

walkExpr ids (Note note expr)
  = walkExpr ids expr                            `thenUs` \ new_expr ->
    returnUs (Note note new_expr)

walkExpr ids (Let bind expr)
  = walkBind ids bind                            `thenUs` \ intermediate_bind ->
    walkExpr ids expr                            `thenUs` \ new_expr ->
    returnUs (mkLets intermediate_bind new_expr)

walkExpr ids (Case expr binder alts)
  = walkExpr ids expr                            `thenUs` \ new_expr ->
    mapUs walk_alt alts                      `thenUs` \ new_alts ->
    returnUs (Case new_expr binder new_alts)
    walk_alt (con, binders, rhs)
      = walkExpr ids rhs                         `thenUs` \ new_rhs ->
        returnUs (con, binders, new_rhs)

The rewrite engine

type RewriteRule = (CoreExpr, CoreExpr)
type Trans a     = a -> (a -> a) -> a -> a

rewrite :: Trans CoreExpr -> (CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)
rewrite sys term = rew term
    rew = (\term -> sys term rew term) . distr rew

distr f expr 
  = case expr of
      Var x         -> Var x
      Con con args  -> Con con (map f args)
      App e1 e2     -> App (f e1) (f e2)
      Lam b e       -> Lam b (f e)
      Let bind e    -> Let (appToBind bind) (f e)
      Case e b alts -> Case (f e) b (map appToAlt alts)
      Note note e   -> Note note (f e)
      Type t        -> Type t
    appToBind (NonRec b e) = NonRec b (f e)
    appToBind (Rec pairs)  = Rec [ (b, f e) | (b, e) <- pairs ]

    appToAlt (con, bs, e)  = (con, bs, f e)

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