
Sigbjorn Finne is the implementor of HDirect.  While he
is now focusing most of his attention on other things, he remains
the HDirect supremo, and you should definitely talk to him first.
I'm ccing him.

I believe that Sigbjorn has already invested quite a bit of
effort in CORBA-ising HDirect.  In particular, I believe that it parses
IDL.  But I don't think it generates Haskell wrapper code to allow
Haskell programs to talk to CORBA objects.  Sigbjorn will be able
to be much more specific than me.

It would be great if you could make Haskell programs talk to CORBA
easily, and HDirect is certainly the way to go.  Please keep me posted.


| -----Original Message-----
| From: Christoph Lueth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: 31 May 2000 11:04
| Subject: H/Direct Contact
| Dear Glasgow Haskell people,
| I have a couple of students here who want to extend H/Direct to
| generate support for CORBA (i.e. have it generate stubs and skeletons
| to encapsulate Haskell programs as CORBA objects). Who is the contact
| person for any queries about H/Direct that might arise during this
| undertaking?  Is there anybody who is already doing such a thing, or
| has tried in the past but failed? Is there anything besides the
| official documentation that we should know?
| Also, which version of H/Direct should we build on, the
| latest from the repository, or the source distribution from the
| H/Direct page (or is there no difference)?
| Thanks in advance for any answers.
| Best regards,
| --Christoph Lüth.

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