
I have two bugs to report.  First, ghci crashed when I tried to load
my code.

Compiling AlienGenerateThink ( 
/l/fis/cvs/research/src/scheme/alien/core/AlienGenerateThink.hs, interpreted )
ghc-5.00: panic! (the `impossible' happened, GHC version 5.00):
        StgInterp.lit2expr: unhandled string constant type

I am a little reluctant of submitting it, because it is 4000 lines of
not very pretty code.  If you can give me a rough guess what this is
about I could try to write a smaller example.  My version is a couple
of days old already, should I update again?

Second, there seems to be a problem with the :set command if you try
to load packages.  I don't know whether packages are supposed to work
in ghci, but at best the error message is unhelpful.

$ echo ":set -fglasgow-exts -package data\n:load FiniteMap" | ghci 
   ___         ___ _
  / _ \ /\  /\/ __(_)
 / /_\// /_/ / /  | |      GHC Interactive, version 5.00, For Haskell 98.
/ /_\\/ __  / /___| |      http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
\____/\/ /_/\____/|_|      Type :? for help.

Loading package std ... linking ... done.
Prelude> :set -fglasgow-exts -package data
unknown option: `data'
Prelude> :load FiniteMap
can't find module `FiniteMap'
Prelude> Leaving GHCi.


Matthias Fischmann | Research Engineer                | +358 (9) 8565 7474
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         | SSH Communication Security Corp. | +358 (40) 752 5291

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