You have to say 
        ghc -package lang 
if you want to use modules from the "lang" package.

See Section 4.10 of the user manual.


| -----Original Message-----
| From: Antony Courtney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
| Sent: 25 September 2001 22:14
| Subject: Path Issues on Windows 2000
| Hello GHC team,
| I just succesfully installed GHC 5.02 on Windows 2000, and it 
| (basically) worked.
| However, I have run in to a couple of issues:
| 1 (minor).  The last dialog box of the Installer recommended 
| adding "\bin" to my PATH.  This should have been "C:\Program 
| Files\Glasgow Haskell Compiler\ghc-5.02\bin".  (I had to use 
| "Search..." to find it!)
| 2. (more significant):  The first thing I tried to do with 
| ghc was build GreenCard for Win32/ghc.  This failed because 
| it was unable to compile StdDis.hs in GreenCard's ghc library 
| directory.  This turned out to be because ghc was unable to 
| find several non-standard modules like "Int", "Word", etc. 
| which appear to live in "C:\Program Files\Glasgow Haskell 
| Compiler\ghc-5.02\bin".
| Just to make this a little more concrete, I tried (and 
| failed) to compile the following trivial program that imports 
| the Int module:
| $ cat ModTest.hs
| -- A test of importing some non-std. GHC libraries:
| module ModTest(main) where
| import Int
| main = putStrLn "hello, world!"
| $ ghc -o modTest ModTest.hs  # no extra path specifier arguments
| ModTest.hs:4:
|     failed to load interface for `Int':
|         Could not find interface file for `Int'
| $ ghc -i "$GHCDIR\\imports\\lang" -o modTest ModTest.hs  # 
| trying -i c:\Program Files\Glasgow Haskell 
| Compiler\ghc-5.02\bin\ghc.exe: file `C:\Program Files\Glasgow 
| Haskell Compiler\ghc-5.02\imports\lang' does not exist
| $ ls -l "$GHCDIR\\imports\\lang\\Int.hi" # just to prove that 
| the given path does actually exist!
| -rw-r--r--    1 antony   None        10755 Sep 20 20:42 
| C:\Program Files\Glasgow
| Haskell Compiler\ghc-5.02\imports\lang\Int.hi
| $
| I tried using '-L' instead of '-i', tried using 
| '-fglasgow-exts', and tried this under the ordinary console 
| prompt (to rule out the possibility of a Cygwin conflict).  
| Nothing seemed to work.
| Am I doing something wrong, or is this a ghc bug?
| Thanks,
|       -antony
| -- 
| Antony Courtney  
| Grad. Student, Dept. of Computer Science, Yale University
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