> I discovered two bugs in GHCi. I am using GHC5.02 on 
> Linux.
> The first bug has been there for some time now. If I start
> GHCi with a module `A.hs', which either does not exist
> itself, or which includes modules that not exist, then GHCi 
> terminates with an error message. This is rather strange 
> behavior, since if I load the module in GHCi, it just 
> complains, but allows me to continue. (It is rather 
> cumbersome to have to reload all packages just because one 
> made a spelling mistake in the import declaration).
> The second bug is when one loads an empty module (empty 
> file) into GHCi, it complains with "*** Exception: 
> reAllocMem".

Thanks, I've fixed both of these.


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