Bugs item #564616, was opened at 2002-06-04 22:29
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Category: hslibs/lang
Group: 5.02
>Status: Closed
>Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Mike Gunter (magunter)
>Assigned to: Simon Marlow (simonmar)
Summary: filterPS fails if >255 chs. after match

Initial Comment:
I applied the fix for bug 563651 to revision 1.11
(the one in 5.02.3) of PackedString.lhs.  With this,
the following program:

  import System         ( getArgs )
  import PackedString   ( filterPS, packString )

  main  = System.getArgs >>= realMain
  realMain [oldOrNew,c:[]] = print $ filterPS (c ==)
(packString str)
    where str = case oldOrNew of
                "old" -> ys ++ abcs
                "new" -> abcs ++ ys
          where (abcs, ys) = ("abcdef",replicate 252 'y')

will segmentation fault when given arguments
["new","a"], ["new","b"], or ["new","c"].  Things
work as expect with any other character argument x in
["new",x].  PackedString.lhs without the fix for bug
563651 works fine in these cases (but fails with
["old","d"], etc.)

This is 5.02.3 with the fix for bug 563651 applied to
PackedString.lhs on Debian x86.



>Comment By: Simon Marlow (simonmar)
Date: 2002-07-02 11:34

Logged In: YES 

Fixed in the rewritten version of PackedString in 5.04. 
(available as Data.PackedString).


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