> Exploring the idea that the problem might be some bugs in GreenCard
> which have been fixed recently, I tried compiling an up to date
> version of the Win32 library - which brings me to my reports of
> apparent non-conformance of GHC to the ffi (release candidate 4) spec.

Yes, GHC 5.02 predates a few of the changes made to the FFI spec - in particular the 
'unsafe' keyword used to come after the string specifying the external entity, and in 
the version of the FFI spec that 5.02 implements the string isn't allowed to contain a 
header file.

> Anticipating that the response will be "these are fixed in the next
> release"

Yup :-)

> could I ask how I can get hold of a suitably fixed release
> (without having to enter the GHC bootstrapping swamp) so that I can
> make some progress.  (It'd be fine to point me at a tarfile or
> whatever via private email.)
> [btw When did the ghc release deadline get moved back to?  My personal
> deadline for making progress on this is Wednesday because I'll be busy
> in the US from my machine from 12th-29th July.]

Current target is midweek this week.  I have some issues with the Sparc port still to 
work out, but otherwise we're on track.

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