
In users_guide/phases.sgml, in the section concerning passing flags
through to cc, as or ld, I think there is a missing list of flags:

    <sect2 id="forcing-options-through">
      <title>Forcing options to a particular phase</title>
      <indexterm><primary>forcing GHC-phase options</primary></indexterm>

      <para>Options can be forced through to a particlar compilation
      phase, using the following flags:</para>

      <para>So, for example, to force an <option>-Ewurble</option>
      option to the assembler, you would tell the driver
      <option>-opta-Ewurble</option> (the dash before the E is

The underlined section is where, I think, -optc, -opta, and -optl should
be listed. This is missing in the 6.0.1 guide, and the current cvs
guide, although I am not 100% certain what you want to put here.

-- Don

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