Yesterday while I was mucking around in GHCi I discovered the following anomaly. (The same holds for compiled code.)

I typed

> :t (# 2, 3 #)

and got back

(# 2, 3 #) :: forall t t1. (Num t, Num t1) => (# t, t1 #)

But when I typed

:t (# 2, 3 #) :: (# Int, Int #)

I got the following

Illegal unboxed tuple type as function argument: (# Int, Int #)
In an expression type signature: (# Int, Int #)
In the type signature of the expression: (# 2, 3 #) :: (# Int, Int #)
In the definition of `it': it = (# 2, 3 #) :: (# Int, Int #)

Is this correct behaviour?


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